"The independent voice of sport, representing the interests of sports clubs in Enfield"

Dear all,

It was agreed that the clubs who were represented at the Enfield Sport General meeting on 21st September 2021 would complete a short questionnaire on their Lease negotiations with Enfield Council,  which would then be forwarded to Mark Bradbury at Enfield Council. I would be grateful if those clubs who were represented at this meeting complete the attached feedback form and return it to me by 5pm on Monday 18th October 2021. The feedback form has been deliberately restricted to one page of A4, so that Mark Bradbury can get a quick snapshot of the range of issues that clubs are currently facing in their Leases negotiations with the Council.   

The best way of completing the feedback form would be to save it on your computer and then type in your responses, prior to sending the completed feedback form back to me. 

Although the clubs who were at the meeting on 21st September are the only ones who have agreed (thus far) to complete the feedback form, I have circulated it to all clubs in case some of them were not able to attend the meeting and yet still wish to complete the form. There will be some clubs who are involved in negotiating leases with Enfield Council who were not able to attend the meeting and, where that is the case, I believe it is important that they are also given a chance to complete the feedback form.   

I look forward to hearing from you.

best wishes


Final Enfield Sport Feedback Form

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